by Johnny Debacle

Actually based on the numbers, probably not so good for you as more than 50% failed Level I, II and III. But think of it this way — you fit in. You finally fit in! More people are like you, a pathetic failure, than are not like you. Bright side! Don’t think about how many hours you poured down the drain, hours wasted with nothing to show for it other than the empty husks of relationships left that decayed and unspent nights of your twenties that you will never be able to reclaim. Especially don’t think about the stress that has subtly (but surely) caused your hairline to recede a few millimeters. Rogaine won’t work for that, so don’t bother.

June 2009 Pass Rate
Level I Pass Rate: 46%
Level II Pass Rate: 41%
Level III Pass Rate: 49%

Comments are open for anyone proud to have passed, humiliated to have failed, humiliated to have passed or proud to have failed.

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  1. SDS
    August 18th, 2009 | 12:56 pm

    Short the Level 3. Long Johnny Walker. Cover next spring.

  2. notorious
    August 18th, 2009 | 2:23 pm

    just passed level 2 and don’t even want to work in finance anymore. guess i’ll sign up for 3 and get the charter so that i’ve got some interesting toilet paper to use as a conversation piece at dinner parties.

  3. Legal Eagle
    August 18th, 2009 | 3:18 pm

    Proof positive that we lawyers are smarter than you finance geeks. The bar has a higher pass rate.

  4. mp
    August 18th, 2009 | 4:56 pm

    im afraid to look – seriously, i havent looked yet. id also like to express how annoyed i am at some ingenious group of people who attempted to project the level pass rate at between 65-75% (interpolation/regression my a%%)and how much crappier 49% sounds after reading their garbage predictions. i suppose i did it to myself….

  5. dl
    August 18th, 2009 | 5:02 pm

    Hey Legal Pigeon. Set the bar low enough and a half blind monkey will pass…

  6. TB
    August 19th, 2009 | 11:36 am

    Humiliated to pass Level III myself. People at my work keep congratulating me and I just want to shout “Can’t I have my Spring for the last 3 years back instead???”.

    I’ll probably get the charter once I’ve got the 4 years of work, but those letters will only be on my resume (not on my emails or business cards), or people might think I believe some of the CFA’s trendy rubbish.

  7. Nono
    August 28th, 2009 | 8:56 am

    I’m just proud to pass the 3 levels on the firts try each.

    And after I discovered that I know nothing….

    But it’s fun to have it after my name.

  8. crusher
    September 2nd, 2009 | 3:57 am

    i owned level III this year. feels good to be done.