Does Your Firm Block Our Site?

by Mr Juggles

It has come to out attention that Mother Merrill Lynch (NYSE: MER) blocks our site which amazed us. That’s some serious net-nannying to block a site that lacks anything but incredible research and commentary which has been scientifically proven to generate amazing investment returns.

Do any of your firms block us? Feel free to leave a comment or email us (”) if your firm blocks us. This is just to tickle our curiousity. Anonymity will be preserved and respected as always, especially if you give us some material non-public information to Hold based on.

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  1. March 5th, 2007 | 7:24 am

    For all the Merril fans: often filtering software cannot block the RSS feed. So subscribe using your favorite reader and enjoy LoS at leisure.

  2. Leland
    March 5th, 2007 | 10:54 am

    random-web-blocker tip – most places that use “websense” don’t properly set it up, so that “https” (http-secure) goes unblocked. A lot of sites that have any kind of login page will accept ‘https’ connections, like gmail or kodak’s easyshare or, all you have to do is add an “s” right after the “http” to your favorite blocked website and voila, you can browse all day.

    example: blocked, not blocked

  3. Camilo Villegas
    March 5th, 2007 | 1:06 pm

    All I really wanna know is if you can you help me get into Yahoo Fantasy Golf website from the office. Long workdays mean I get creamed if I can’t get home in time to make my picks for the weekend. https doesn’t work…

  4. Aspiring Mini-Baller
    March 5th, 2007 | 3:46 pm

    Mad props to Leland. Now I can miniball all day long.

  5. Leland
    March 6th, 2007 | 4:25 pm

    You can also try the babelfish workaround, it’s ugly but works for a lot of sites. Just translate a page from any language to english, works just like a proxy.

  6. JCauto
    March 6th, 2007 | 7:08 pm


    Both don’t work for me. God my firm is on the ball.

  7. anonymous
    March 8th, 2007 | 1:16 pm

    Highland Capital Management blocks ALL INTERNET SITES except for 1 hr a day during lunch.

  8. March 8th, 2007 | 1:17 pm

    Is this true? I know that they make you punch a clock….

  9. PairOfSox
    March 11th, 2007 | 11:31 pm

    What industry do you work in? If that happened at my company, we’d be screwed, since a lot of what we’re looking at isn’t on Bloomberg. got blocked last week though, the head of our department was very upset.

  10. March 12th, 2007 | 9:04 am

    Highland Capital is a high yield / leveraged loan shop.

    Everything you need to know about Highland:

    A look at Higland Capital

  11. Goldman Slacks
    March 28th, 2007 | 5:42 pm

    I would respond, but unfortunately, my firm blocks the site.