Short Details, Short Cold E-Mails, Long Vitriol
by Mr JugglesAn email sent to JD on Monday
from:Hopman, Bret < [redacted]>
to: “Hopman, Bret” < [redacted]>subject: Details Magazine
Good afternoon,
In the upcoming June-July issue of DETAILS (on newsstands Tuesday, June 2), we have a piece that looks at [something probably boring and that won’t be talked about on your site because there is a much better subject for your site].
Here’s the link to the story: [Redacted].
If you are interested in running something online, please be sure to show the cover (attached).Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything else.
Thanks for your consideration!
My reply:
Bret Hopman,
I am confused. Is this a request that we run something online about it? Or are you giving us permission (thanks!)?
I’ll give you an idea of how we do things on the internet. You post something in your men’s magazine, I may or (more likely) may not give a shit enough to read it. If I were to give a shit enough to read it, and I was able to find some means of reading it, at that point I may or (more likely) may not give a shit enough to write anything about it on the internet’s most prominent satirical investment site. If, by some minor miracle, like the one that allows that oragutan in Australia to paint beautiful art or the one that allows people like you to navigate the internet and breath through your mouth at the same time, I chose to write anything about it on the internet’s most prominent satirical investment site, I would NOT in any way ask you how I should write about it nor would I care what your opinion was on the subject of whether or not to include the cover in the post. Bret Hopman of men’s magazine Details, get over yourself.
Mr. Juggles
It’s true, all the best Orangutan piantings come from Australia.
Along with large iron ore mining companies, they’re one of our chief exports,,
Impressive. Almost as good as the book review offers I’ve gotten, I the most recent of which was for the fascinating-sounding “Gracious Living on Social Security.”
Some people are really, painfully stupid. Sigh…
sorry to p!$$ on your parade but I think you will find that our best work is done in Austria rather than Australia.
Easy to mistake but one is an island the other is small country in Europe.
I make the mistake all the time but then again I am an ape
dude, that was just mean
Orangutan, sorry, we don’t know better. But don’t blame us for the mistake. It’s not our fault that our commander-in-chief doesn’t speak Austrian.