Short Timothy Sykes, Long Reason

by Mr Juggles

I don’t get him, his relevance or why he continues to amuse people. But Tim Sykes certainly exists. I know this because he emailed me.

Hey there, how are you? I’m blogging like a madman and loving every second of it! I’m putting together a huge list of money/finance/trading/investing blogs/websites to be called ‘TIMlinks’ so I wanted you to join. It’s free and once I start promoting this baby, you should get dozens or even hundreds of daily visitors to your site—kinda like FeedTheBull, Entrecard or Blogrush, but for our target audience only Check it out:

After your join, to get ranked, you’ll be emailed code for a ‘TIMlinks’ badge, just add it anywhere on your site and you’ll be set!
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Timothy Sykes | Author of An American Hedge Fund
T| F |

It’s telling that his system is identical to every splog and SEO-only oriented link trading request we get. They link you from their non-main page, you link them from your main page. A great deal! We should get hundreds of links a day from a separate links page buried within a mediocre site! Seems probable.

We don’t do reciprocal link trading or such things. If it’s a site we read and if it’s one we think deserves to be linked, we link it. Feel free to do the same but we won’t be adding a badge or trading links.

Mr. Juggles

You will agree with me when I say that I tried to be polite.

Haha ok

His repsonse naturally raised the question to me “What was funny in that?” As a master of humor, normally these things make themselves aware to me. In this case, it did not. Naturally my reply was:

What was funny in that?

From Timmy:

u just sounded so serious, i’m just trying to help increase the popularity of the sites i like by giving them this badge of honor

More like a scarlet letter.

A badge of honor, Tim? Really? We take everything we do very seriously, that’s one of the reasons we do it better than anyone else. Maybe you should start practicing your seriousness and take your site to the next level. Again, you are free to link to us and we encourage you to do so — it is likely to your readers benefit. We won’t link to you until you have created a site worth reading, one that we also happen to read.

I expected more laughing and something non-intelligent from his next reply. I was not disappointed.

LOL, being serious and the best is the exact opposite of what I’m going for, all I wanna do is teach and entertain, aka actually help people understand this stuff better! All you finance snobs forget 99% of the people out there have little to no education and thanks to the ridiculous importance you place on always being the best, people believe mistakes are just about the worst thing you can do. Wrong! I like some of your articles, but take it down a notch, you’ll live a happier and more fulfilling life!

My reply:

Teaching and especially entertaining are both things which benefit from being taken seriously. No one learns anything from someone who is taking a half-ass dimwit approach to teaching. Worse, no one is entertained or is made to laugh by people taking a half-ass dimwit approach to humor.

Mistakes are ok, but mistakes that should have been avoided but weren’t because of sloth or lack of diligence are horrible and should be treated as such. They are entirely avoidable by people who take things seriously. Life is a very serious thing. We are all dying. Asset management is even more serious than life.

Mr. Juggles

Timmy’s reply:

Solid reply but you forget that the vast majority of people out there are lazy and dim-witted. For them, the very thought of long complex calculations and ramblings from boring finance people is equatable to prison. What do we do, ignore those people and laugh at how much better we are?

No, I believe those people can and should learn about the stock market and since Penny Stocks are pretty simple things to understand, it’s a great intro. And, I can help them avoid the mistakes I’ve made, lessons I was forced to learn alone because there was nobody in the entire snobby/stuck up world of finance who ever detailed their stupidity for all to learn from. Again, stupidity/mistakes–nothing to be ashamed of, we all make stupid mistakes at one time or another, the key is learning from them and sharing them right alongside our greatest victories. Welcome to my business model: brutal honesty. It’s sad that this is revolutionary, but thanks to the kind of people in this industry, there’s a massive window of opportunity. Thanks again!

Played Out

Recommendation: Timmy is a blackhole. A blackhole of knowledge, understanding, financial acumen, reason, emails and time. If you have not yet crossed the event horizon of Timmy, keep back. At best, he is played out. At worst, you will lose brain matter as it is stretched to infinity, taken to the speed of light and crunched into a superdense nothingness.

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  1. April 7th, 2008 | 10:12 am

    LOL, sweet article, wrong on several accounts:

    1. My new site goes live April 15th, TIMlinks will be on the front page…forget simple blogging, my ambition is far greater…and as my email said, I’m gonna start promoting TIMlinks hardcore, never underestimate my work ethic.

    2. You finance snobs think that you’re better than everyone else, it’s no wonder that society looks down upon us…you should be ashamed, you give this great game a bad name.

  2. April 7th, 2008 | 10:20 am


  3. April 7th, 2008 | 10:31 am

    Good, I’m glad I could get you to smile/laugh, that’s the first step, now just 11 more steps to go…c’mon you can do it!

  4. JCauto
    April 7th, 2008 | 10:48 am

    Was this guy actually a hedge fund manager? His lack of basic writing and language skills (not to mention his condescension for education or learning) is appalling.

    Does the industry, such as it is, really let jackasses like this collect two and twenty?

  5. Sir Charge
    April 7th, 2008 | 10:57 am

    I think his website is well planned and his grammar impeccable… SYKE!! LOLZOMG!!!

  6. April 7th, 2008 | 10:58 am

    I was barely a hedge fund manager–the lack of discipline that was partially responsible for my early success caught up with me in a bad way, my fund losing 35% over 2 years on one illiquid position. Lesson learned.

    But as for writing skills, I’ve got too much to do to edit emails/blog comments…you wanna see what I’m capable of, check out my book “An American Hedge Fund”…which the DJ Newswire and about a dozen other reviews have called the modern-day “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator”

    I’m a big believer in education and learning–in fact that’s what I’m devoting my life to…but thanks to the success of Wall Street Warriors and thousands of emails I’ve received, I know EXACTLY what people aren’t getting…thanks to the joke that is the financial community, it’s quite a lot. To truly teach these poor people, I’ll stop at nothing to cut through all the BS soulless corporate drones like LOSC so proudly produce.

  7. Toro
    April 7th, 2008 | 11:05 am

    Who is Tim Sykes?

  8. Toro
    April 7th, 2008 | 11:07 am


    “Was this guy actually a hedge fund manager? His lack of basic writing and language skills (not to mention his condescension for education or learning) is appalling.”

    What makes you think any of this is necessary for you to have clients who think its a privilege to have their faces ripped off all the while paying 2 & 20?

  9. Smoke
    April 7th, 2008 | 11:21 am

    what’s for lunch?

  10. Aspiring Mini-Baller
    April 7th, 2008 | 11:34 am

    Tim who? Don’t you mean Tim Sylvia? I didn’t know the Maine-iac’s website was called TIMlinks. I don’t think LoS should be quarreling over the Internet with a top-level cage fighter.

  11. HF
    April 7th, 2008 | 11:46 am

    Great replies Mr Juggles, they are the motive why I am long LSC… If the management of LSC want’s to make an hostile takeover to TIMLinks I’ll vote for it!!!

    Tim: Life isn’t fair… but why should it change now?

  12. April 7th, 2008 | 11:47 am

    I’m waiting for Wanderlei Silva to start blogging about the people he kills in fights in random streetfights in Brazil every night on his walk back from the gym. Of course, he now has a blog. Who doesn’t?

  13. V
    April 7th, 2008 | 12:04 pm

    Please immediately create a list of bonehead indicators and place this individual at the top. Profits could accumulate just from taking an opposite position to whatever he thinks is valuable.

  14. Lulz
    April 7th, 2008 | 12:10 pm

    Tim Sykes is the new Jim Cramer, but without the pedigree or success.

  15. born to lose
    April 7th, 2008 | 12:16 pm

    I’d check out Tim’s site, but all my money is tied up with the homeless guy down the street. I want to learn the basics of failure first before I move on to the advanced course.

  16. JCauto
    April 7th, 2008 | 12:24 pm

    ” To truly teach these poor people, I’ll stop at nothing to cut through all the BS soulless corporate drones like LOSC so proudly produce.”

    Tell me again how encouraging people you’ve never met (and whose objectives and situations you know nothing about) to buy penny stocks via “advice” on your website is educating people about investing.

    You’ve gone on record as stating that you chafe under any form of regulation, which I guess is why you can’t hack it in this industry legitimately. That and your lack of education and pedigree.

  17. Terry
    April 7th, 2008 | 12:26 pm

    I love how his last email (in the main entry) starts with “Solid reply.” Thanks for grading the email you’re replying to; I’m sure it was written in hopes that you’d like it as opposed to, say, communicate.

  18. April 7th, 2008 | 12:37 pm

    I can’t “hack it in the industry legitimately” cuz my strategy ain’t scalable. Took me a while to learn that, it’s best used by the average investor.

    But yes, I do believe the majority of regulations are complete crap. No wonder so few outsiders have any idea nor even care about financial speculation.

    And contrary to your ridiculous Patrick Bateman-esque lifestyles/beliefs, failure is good, it made me infinitely more conservative and wiser, so while it was tough to accept at first, I am now very thankful for it.

  19. April 7th, 2008 | 12:51 pm

    Actually he attached a sticker as well that had a picture of an elephant riding a bicycle and it said “Excellent Work!!!”

    Thanks Mr. S!

  20. Zeke
    April 7th, 2008 | 1:12 pm

    Perhaps the gentleman could swap links with Aleksey Vayner and John Fitzgerald Page.

  21. american bandersnatch
    April 7th, 2008 | 1:33 pm

    Like the creature in Star Trek that fed on hate, Tim feeds on attention, either good or bad. Please ignore him and he may go away.

  22. April 7th, 2008 | 1:39 pm

    I love how you now block my comments, you are a poor excuse for a blogger

  23. April 7th, 2008 | 2:06 pm

    We didn’t block any of your comments. I think Spam Karma 2 (our spam comment plugin) revised your rating after you had posted a couple times in the same thread. It’s an automatic algorithm — we wouldn’t have noticed except for we clearly responded to your first comments. Maybe this is science trying to tell you something.

  24. April 7th, 2008 | 2:46 pm

    It’s been years now since I read Lowenstein’s thoughtful book, WHEN GENIUS FAILED.

    But I always think of that title when I come across the ruminations of Mr. Sykes. It’s nice to know that failure isn’t limited to genius, but balances things out by visiting those on the other side of the scale, too.

  25. April 7th, 2008 | 2:52 pm

    I wonder if it has occurred to Mr. Sykes if, the reason for his “superior gains” is because in the game of penny stocks where he fishes for return, the only other players are equally, if not more, retarded than he?

    Its kind of like bragging about a Gold medal at the Special Olympics, so-to-speak

  26. April 7th, 2008 | 2:59 pm

    Mr. J,

    Why are you feeding the black hole? In writing this post which invariably links back to TIM (and caused dealbreaker to write about you writing about Tim) you have effectively taken a synthetic long position.
    Not to mention the hipnotiq image that Timmay is no doubt blowing up so he can hang it in his room,

  27. April 7th, 2008 | 3:20 pm

    You will agree with me when I say that we have never linked to him nor will link to him again. You will do so because it is so.

  28. April 7th, 2008 | 3:21 pm

    Anal guy–that’s exactly why i limit my play to penny stocks, even though i’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, i’m still sharper than all the rest! thats why i’m promoting my strategy for everyone because who knows what smarter people than me will be able to do with it!

    PS now up 43% since november

  29. scam artist
    April 7th, 2008 | 3:43 pm

    “I’m a big believer in education and learning–in fact that’s what I’m devoting my life to…”

    When did shameless self-promotion get rebranded as education?

  30. April 7th, 2008 | 3:49 pm

    #28, how am I scam artist when I detail EVERY trade, ALL my gains AND losses. do u guys even know how to do research or are u all coked-out rich daddy’s boys, aka wall street ANALysts

  31. April 7th, 2008 | 3:56 pm

    Well, Ruprecht, isn’t it a trait of every selfish scamming self-promoter to hide behind a mask of virtue?

  32. April 7th, 2008 | 4:00 pm

    Seems like I’m getting blocked again, this site isn’t used to such traffic:

    How am I a scam artist when I detail ALL my trades, ALL the reasons for those trades and ALL my gains AND losses. I’m up 45% since November, try to poke holes in that.

    You stupid coked up Ivy League pretentious prick Wall Street ANALysts got nothin on me–go back to corporate droning and being right 30% of the time, thank you for leaving the door wide open for anybody with talent who’s got nothing to hide

  33. April 7th, 2008 | 4:11 pm

    It has zero to do with traffic. Spam Karma 2 thinks you are a comment spammer. It’s as simple as that.

  34. April 7th, 2008 | 4:29 pm

    I found a hole: “since November” – that’s hardly a track record, Tim. Let’s not get cocky just yet, and return numbers are meaningless without risk.
    I’ve never read your strategy so I won’t make comments on whether it’s viable and will give you the benefit of the doubt if you still have double digit returns in 11/08.

  35. EBITDeez Nuts
    April 7th, 2008 | 4:47 pm

    Tim, financial theory and valuation in established markets is based on the belief that the actions of rational investors determine prices. The fact that you let emotion get the best of you, as clearly seen in your posts here, indicates you lack rationality and discipline, which will never allow you to be a successful long-term investor or “teacher”. That said, someone has to generate the alpha, so go ahead, keep teaching your unknowing students, I’ll gladly be there to take their and your money, again.

  36. jonny
    April 7th, 2008 | 4:50 pm

    Your attack on Tim Sykes only shows your lack of integrity and desire for his celebrity-like status.

  37. jonny
    April 7th, 2008 | 4:58 pm

    I myself work for a very established value investing research firm. However, just because Tim’s approach is different from society, you instantly patronize him? Sure he might be a little over board on the self-promotion, but he’s enjoying what he does day in and day out, and he’s making money doing it. Do you hate your life so much that you continue to pick on him? Are you jealous he has the ability to wake up, roll out of bed, and connect with thousands of readers on a daily basis? I don’t understand how you call him selfish, since the man details his activity day in and day out on his website. He’s not a pumper, he’s not Jonathan Lebed, he’s Tim Sykes, and he’s pretty damn good at what he does.

  38. April 7th, 2008 | 4:58 pm

    Blog posts can have emotion, follow my trades and see there’s very little there. I simply take advantage of the patterns created by manipulators profiting from suckers…the game never ends.

    PS LoSC will now forever be known as PP Capital, short for Pretentious Prick Capital, please update your files:

  39. JCauto
    April 7th, 2008 | 5:12 pm

    We’ll get right on it

  40. JM
    April 7th, 2008 | 5:18 pm

    Agree with jonny. I don’t like the Sykes Show either – but I must admin that he’s a skilled trader with valuable knowledge.

  41. April 7th, 2008 | 5:31 pm

    PS I gotta thank you, your little post has gotten me several new TIMlinks signups, I guess not everyone is against increased exposure

  42. cletus
    April 7th, 2008 | 5:32 pm

    I want to tattoo Tim’s badge of approval on my dingdong.

  43. April 7th, 2008 | 5:38 pm

    Good, you have taken on site that specializes in abstract satirical financial research and rebranded their fake name into another fake name. I think quixotic is defined in that sentence, but all I got for smahts is my Ivy league MBA MD PHD and BA and JD, who is both a degree and a writer for our site.

    I have no problem with Tim’s approach. Now cynics may say that’s because I haven’t a clue wtf his approach is, but it’s the truth — I have no problem with Tim’s approach. I could care less. It’s unlikely he could be doing anything as stupid as leveraging 30 times Carlyle style.

  44. April 7th, 2008 | 5:43 pm

    Exactly, I’m anti-leverage

  45. JJ
    April 7th, 2008 | 6:06 pm

    Tim is misunderstood and will be rememberd as one of the best investors of his day—

    Lampert ….

    Sykes ?????

    well , maybe not

  46. April 7th, 2008 | 6:26 pm

    I’m NOT a follower of Tim’s method, but I am a regular reader of his website. Tim’s site does one thing that I like: he integrates humor with actual observations. It is from reading about him and about what he does that I truly understood the value of absolute transparency. One can take whatever subjective perception of Tim as one would please, but in the end Tim Sykes is fully honest, personal, and responsible as a human being. It is unfortunate that this site and its author, “Mr. Juggles,” views otherwise; however, if LoSC and its authors profess to being ‘intelligent’ and ‘scientific’ in their methods, then I do not see why it was necessary to write an unsubstantiated attack on Tim Sykes. He’s just a guy trying to make a buck on his own, and he’s been a millionaire. How many of you or us can say the same? I didn’t come here to rip on LoSC or Mr. Juggles; rather, I just want to point out that ANY bickering at all is absurd unless there are facts and evidence to be examined. Without facts and evidence, your words are merely meaningless opinion and conjecture.

    P.S. I am not defending Tim Sykes because I like Tim Sykes. I am defending him because I agree with the truth of what he does, and for ToSC and its writers to challenge the truth of what he does without providing evidence is ridiculous.

    -Ben Bien
    lowly student still learning how to day-trade while in school, and is presently down -58.1% (see my Covestor).

  47. April 7th, 2008 | 7:24 pm

    ““Mr. Juggles,” views otherwise; however, if LoSC and its authors profess to being ‘intelligent’ and ’scientific’ in their methods, then I do not see why it was necessary to write an unsubstantiated attack on Tim Sykes. He’s just a guy trying to make a buck on his own, and he’s been a millionaire. How many of you or us can say the same? I didn’t come here to rip on LoSC or Mr. Juggles; rather, I just want to point out that ANY bickering at all is absurd unless there are facts and evidence to be examined. Without facts and evidence, your words are merely meaningless opinion and conjecture.”

    This entire post was substantiation as to why I would be short Timmy. I judged him solely by our email exchange and his own words and actions.

  48. Charlie McDanger
    April 7th, 2008 | 7:43 pm

    »”He’s been a millionaire.”

    Jugs, I see a new angle developing for the “How to Become a Thousandaire” series.

  49. JCauto
    April 7th, 2008 | 7:46 pm

    “-Ben Bien
    lowly student still learning how to day-trade while in school, and is presently down -58.1% (see my Covestor).”

    Burned by a faithful reader of Timmay’s down 58%. FUCKING OWNED, JUGS

  50. April 7th, 2008 | 7:49 pm

    “PS I gotta thank you, your little post has gotten me several new TIMlinks signups, I guess not everyone is against increased exposure”
    You see Mr. J – I [post factum] warned you this would happen.
    P.S. Tim – you still haven’t told us what your IR is.