Does Science Say It’s Christmas or Not?

by Johnny Debacle

There is only one way to make the scientific distinction between whether it is Christmas or whether it is, in fact, not Christmas:

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  1. fred
    December 25th, 2007 | 12:49 pm

    in that case:

    Merry Christmas to All!!!

  2. JCauto
    December 26th, 2007 | 3:24 pm

    dammit I wish I saw this yesterday

  3. The Grinch
    December 28th, 2007 | 9:51 am

    I knew it!!!!

  4. Dennis Hennessy
    December 28th, 2007 | 10:47 am

    Congrats on the shoutout on (username and password need)

  5. Dennis Hennessy
    December 28th, 2007 | 10:47 am

    Congrats on the shoutout on (username and password required)

  6. Fred 2
    December 28th, 2007 | 3:26 pm

    I am somewhat concerned by the lack of transparency of the algorithm here. How do I know that this works on all days? What about leap years? Can I really rely on this for my trading strategies?

  7. mrsiv
    January 2nd, 2008 | 10:26 am

    This seems something like a sort of black swan, or fragile high-wire unicyclist 🙂

    There may or may not be a future Christmas where this indicator breaks down, but until then, it’s party!

  8. rskarb
    January 9th, 2008 | 6:27 pm

    a shout out on traderdaily isnt something to be proud of