Funniness vs Sketchiness

by Mr Juggles

We have new, mature-themed analysis ready for consumption. But we debated internally the value of solid, humorous economic analysis versus the cost of sketchiness. On the one hand, Long or Short Capital cannot display this piece directly on our site; after all, 2/3 of our staff have children who may be able to read this site (if only we knew where they were). On the other hand, fiduciary responsibility demands that we satiate our subscriberholders desire for financial humor before all else, even decency. So in order to read the article you must answer an “adult” question. The correct answer will link you to the adult article. Good luck and no cheating please.

What is a laser disc?

A) A frisbee with a laser attached.


B) A video techonology similar to DVD’s but the size of a record. (sub question, What is a record?).

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  1. January 24th, 2006 | 1:37 pm

    Broken link / frisbee with lazer.

  2. misterjuggles
    January 24th, 2006 | 2:45 pm

    Should be fixed now. Thanks Robert.