Pirates on the Catwalk

by Johnny Debacle

It was only a few weeks ago, that we outlined that providers of pirate patches and clothing would benefit from the rising piratery tide. Now witness piratery on the catwalk:

Ever since pirates first sailed under the skull and crossbones, it has been associated with death. Now, this morbid symbol flies again in the upcoming fashion season…Should we be spending our hard-earned golden doubloons on the next must-have fashion items, or are there more important things in life?

Recommendation: We maintain that you should continue to spend your hard-earned golden doubloons on Tier 1 and Tier 2 piratery suppliers; their backlogs continue to grow granting significant revenue visibility and some of the cost pressures are abating. Also the changes in the weather patterns due to global warming play right into the piratery cross-sights as more of the Earth goes underwater, the tropical zones expand and hurricanes & natural disasters present chaos opportunities for pirateers..

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  1. Kory
    May 10th, 2007 | 4:23 pm

    wow the best design i have ever set eyes on.super awesome job!!!!!!!!