Which Came First?

by Johnny Debacle

What did you eggspectMany investors have longed (no pun intended) to know which came first, the chicken or the egg. If it was definitively known whether the chicken or the egg came first, then a well-heeled speculator (rhymes with More Close) could corner the market for BOTH by buying up either chicken or eggs. Our research indicates you should make your bed out of eggs and lay in it. According to this report from Japan, a giant chicken egg laid a chicken egg, obviating the need for an ovulating avian.

A second, normal-sized egg popped out of a giant egg laid by a chicken raised at a high school in Shiga Prefecture, a school official said Saturday after breaking open the shell.

But school teachers decided on Friday to remove the shell by using a scalpel and tweezers after finding a crack. They later discovered another medium-sized egg inside the giant egg as the yolk and the white portion spurted out.

The hot topic at the high school now is whether another egg is hidden inside the second, medium-sized egg.

Recommendation: Long all eggs, especially large eggs which may contain many smaller eggs Russian doll style. Our expectation is that this market will be launched into speculative frenzy when the large pools of capital which read our site read this report. In fact, if you are still reading this report right now and not buying eggs, it may be too late.

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  1. November 3rd, 2008 | 2:07 pm


  2. November 3rd, 2008 | 10:32 pm

    Fuck I just got CRUSHED on the spread, at least I know this speculative ‘bubble’ will end…

    two words:

    Humpty Dumpty

  3. MGW
    November 4th, 2008 | 7:02 pm

    I view this as a chance to short eggs and long chickens.

    Eggs that reproduce like Russian Dolls are bound to cause an oversupply situation.

    Meanwhile, the utility of chickens extend beyond eggs. As a result, by cutting chickens out of egg production, it is unclear where new chicken supplies will come from. Scarcity breeds increased prices, which breeds profits to those who are long.