The Perfect Storm of Perfect Storms

by Mr Juggles

Dear Subscriberholders,

You may be aware that something is “going on” in the markets. That something is that we squandered all your potential dividends due to what can only be described as The Perfect Storm of Perfect Storms. We’re sorry. We thank you for having faith in us, and our models indicate that if it were not for The Perfect Storm of Perfect Storms, then we would have returned to you 30% per annum, so you should feel confident that you made the right decision according to invest with us according to our models and also to our models.

Now, many of you may be saying “Aren’t you savvy investment professionals, shouldn’t you have, y’know, know better.”

To that we say, “Yes, but also no.” In “The Perfect Storm”, George Clooney captains a ship that catches tuna or red snapper or whatever, and he can make lots of money in a short time doing it. But if George Clooney, George Clooney’s brooding good looks, and George Clooney’s amazing hair, are unable to return a single Gloucesterman to shore in the face of just a single The Perfect Storm (spoiler alert they all die), what hope is there for Long or Short Capital Management in not destroying all subscriberholder value in the face of The Perfect Storm of Perfect Storms?

What hope indeed,
Long or Short Capital Managment

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