About that $430mm Accounts Receivable owed from me…
by Mr Juggles….was that uncool?
Full disclosure to our readers; I actually owe Long or Short $430mm. In a confidence business such as the delivery of genius, our customers (you) have to be worried about whether our lack of internal controls will affect the delivery of future content, or if this will delay or otherwise hinder the release of my next set of Investing Commandments. Rest assured that this kind of thing is totally cool because we all do it. I asked our internal auditors about it and they actually used the phrase “Dude, that’s totally cool.”
According to these same auditors, the whole Refco (ticker: RFX) stock thing is totally overblown, and Tyco’s internal controls were “wicked awesome,” so our controls are probably pretty good. In light of this, we rate our own stock as market outperform. Go long the equity, but be sure to short the bonds.
Recommendation: SOX rocks!, long white collar prison sentences, short “the bonds” and private equity’s due dilligience
PS if this post was incomprehensible, start here.