On Writing
by Mr JugglesWhen it comes, it comes, so you have to seize it, tame or trick it, beat it into submission, break its neck, take it, hang it upside down, gut it, remove its hide, tan its hide, carve out the post from the tanned hide, submit the carved-out post to the WordPress, hope people like it, and then, if they don’t, well fuck’em.
Me in correspondence with the Epicurean Dealmaker.
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Are you Dennis Hopper?
The title is either a relativity obscure Francis Bacon reference, or a nod Stephen King. I’m hoping for the former.
Or neither. Not to say I don’t appreciate the former, either, it’s just “On [Blank]” is a nice minimalist title structure as opposed to the donkeys we frequently throw out there.
Trolling for trackbacks I see.
Close, but no cigar.
Pay no attention to the venal cavilers, meretricious scoundrels, and bumptious scallywags who try to run you down, Mr. Juggles.
Those of us in your vast and ever-expanding audience who can appreciate the subtle art and high craft of penetrating persiflage bow down before your unassailable worth and eminence in the field.
Take comfort in the knowledge that only the great attract the jibes and brickbats of the lowly mob. Just ask Angelo Mozilo.
. . .and we have thesauri. . .