Quotes Entirely Relevant to Investing

by Johnny Debacle

Scene from the 1st episode of the 1st season of The Wire (HBO).

McNulty: Let me undertand you. Every Friday night you and your boys, you shoot craps right? And every Friday night your pal Snot-Boogie, he’d wait ’til there was cash on the ground and then he’d grab the money and run away. You’d let him do that?

Baltimore Youth: We’d catch him and beat his ass. But ain’t nobody ever go past that.

McNulty: I gotta ask you, if every time Snot-Boogie would grab the money and run away. Why’d you even let him in the game?

BY: What? (perplexed)

McNulty: If Snot-Boogie always stole the money, why’d you let him play?

BY: You got to. It’s America man.

Past Quotes Entirely Relevant to Investing

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