CFA Exam: 54% and 47% of You Please Don’t Give Up
by Johnny DebacleEven though you probably should. I commend you for trying, and we all know that an A for effort is worth $0, so don’t spend that all in one place.
For the rest of you, congratulations, I hope you know that passing a CFA Level II or III exam might possibly have been a good call. It also might possibly turn out to have been an awful call. Consider this: I wonder how much the 40 year old version of you will pay to be able to spend 150 hours in your mid-twenties again. You can buy that with all the extra money you make from being a CFA right? But it was all worth it, definitely worth it. Keep telling yourself that.
Related Reseach:- 65% of You Failed Level I of the CFA
- Chartered F****in’ Analyst: Knowledge is a Problem
- Congrats to 40%, 40% and 50% of Respective CFA Level Takers
- Drinking Game for CFA Exam Prep Classes
- Congratulations to the 39% Who Successfully Did Not Fail the Level I CFA Exam
- Congratulations on
PassingTaking the CFA Level I Exam - Chartered F****in' Analyst Probability Pep Talk
- Chartered F***in' Analyst on the Time Value of Money
- HP-12C, I Wanted to Love You
- Chartered F***in' Analyst on Material Non-Public Information
- Chartered F***in' Analyst
what an ahole
If it makes you feel any better, he failed.
Right. And how much of your life have you flushed down the toilet in putting together this excrement of a web page ?
Too bad that ain’t ever gonna come back.
Hey, Debt Bitch, I thought you were on vacation!
Daddy, this ‘excrement of a webpage’ is indeed the Shit. (See what I did there? Everyone loves a bad pun)
Anyway I wouldn’t worry about these guys wasting their youth, by all accounts it’s long gone.
you failed?
feck, we all need back office folk, i guess. no, seriously, it will NEVER be outsourced.
because you failed.
Daddy, have you always been the guy in your family/school/office that nobody likes? I’ve got a sneaking suspicion…
Wow, why is this crap on bloomberg?
You become truly successful in this game by understanding how the world works, which you will never learn from a formal qualification. That doesn’t mean they’re a complete waste of time but you will be better off in the long run to develop your own ability to think from first principles, assuming you have that ability. I would suggest that JD does, but some readers of his blog do not.
A JD?!? I never heard a worse idea. $50,000 versus $1,000 cost and not considering missed income and earned interest. wow, where did you come from?
Wait, we do agree on one thing…
Developing talents, a.k.a. your brand, is a good thing. But unil you are credentialed, you’ll be like another person singing in the subway and begging in the cars between stops. Just leave me alone for once. And no, I don’t have any spare change.
I hear the New School has some sort of international finance program you can blow through in less time than it’d take to study for the 3 CFA exams, whatever that means…
that guy, JD is referring to Johnny Debacle you a**clown.
Sometimes a joke can really use an idiot for a straight man. Thanks for standing in, Mike.