How to Deal with the E*Trade Run on the Bank
by Johnny DebacleSo of you may have heard how some Citi (NYSE: C) sell-side jockey named Prashant Bhatia (nickname being “Capital IQ”) said that E*Trade has a 15% chance of bankruptcy and faces a potential run on the bank. This is probably the most hysterical piece of sell-side analyst I can recall, but it may be a self-fulfilling prophesy. The best way to create a run on the bank that would lead to a serious dimunition in the E*Trade’s share price is to talk about how you think a run on the bank is likekly to happen and then publish that report as “research”.
Hysteria aside, how does an E*Trade customer protect his assets, if they are above $100,000 (FDIC guaranteed) or $500,000 (SPIC guaranteed)?
I have devised a simple strategy. Assuming a binary outcome that E*Trade (NASDAQ: ETFC) is either 100% effed or 100% ok, the dominant decision is to sell all of your assets and use the proceeds to go 100% long E*Trade. This way either E*Trade stock’s rebounds to its pre-hysteria levels and you have what I like to call a double or maybe a triple. Or you lose all your money that E*Trade would not have been able to give you anyway, so you in effect lose nothing.
Full Disclosure: I now have 100% of my PA long ETFC. Also E*Trade accounts are guaranteed up to $500,000 under SIPC for anything other than loss in the actual value of securities, so let’s step back into the real world.
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What if you took a Etrade home equity loan and bought some Etrade stock?
If it goes into SIPC liquidation your securities can be tied up for up to three months.
Usually shorter, but 90 days can seem like forever in a bear market.
wish i would have followed this advice = +40% yesterday?
Good points. +50% on the January calls I bought.
Are you nuts?? It’s your investments, held by a custodian that may change. Going long ETFC could actually result in $0 per share, as did WorldComm.
SIPC doesn’t cover ya fer that unhappy scenario.
Or maybe I am missing the joke.