Neil Diamond Wishes All a Happy 4th of July

by Mr Juggles

No man loves America more than Neil Diamond and no man wants your 4th to be better and freer than Neil does.

They're Coming to America

Except the staff of Long or Short Capital.

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  1. Marcia Dickson
    July 4th, 2008 | 6:39 pm

    ummmm, if you’re going to talk about Neil, you should at least include a real photo of him and not one of an IMPERSONATOR.

  2. July 5th, 2008 | 10:30 am

    Who is to say what is real? That is A real Neil Diamond and perhaps THE real Neal Diamond. Or maybe the real Neil Diamond that we know IS an impersonator of Neil Diamond. Maybe the Doppelganger has toppled the original copy years ago and today is no less real than the real thing and in fact, IS the real thing. See the can of worms you have opened?